

UIAccessibility是 iOS 下UIKit框架中的辅助功能(如 Voice Over)的一套功能。最近在项目中曾经使用了一些这部分的功能,姑且把自己学到的一点皮毛写在这里。


accessibilityLabelaccessibilityHint这些也就不多费口舌了。我们直接来讲accessibilityTraits,这个属性表示在Voice Over下我们访问一个元素的时候,它将被作为哪种类型的对象对待。 UIAccessibilityTraits是一个数值类型,它如下的所有类型都在UIAccessibilityConstants.h中可以找到

// Used when the element has no traits.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitNone: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element should be treated as a button.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitButton: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element should be treated as a link.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitLink: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when an element acts as a header for a content section (e.g. the title of a navigation bar).
@available(iOS 6.0, *)
public var UIAccessibilityTraitHeader: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the text field element should also be treated as a search field.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitSearchField: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element should be treated as an image. Can be combined with button or link, for example.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitImage: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Used when the element is selected.
 For example, a selected row in a table or a selected button within a segmented control.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitSelected: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element plays its own sound when activated.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitPlaysSound: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element acts as a keyboard key.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitKeyboardKey: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the element should be treated as static text that cannot change.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitStaticText: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Used when an element can be used to provide a quick summary of current
 conditions in the app when the app first launches.  For example, when Weather
 first launches, the element with today's weather conditions is marked with
 this trait.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitSummaryElement: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when the control is not enabled and does not respond to user input.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitNotEnabled: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Used when the element frequently updates its label or value, but too often to send notifications.
 Allows an accessibility client to poll for changes. A stopwatch would be an example.
public var UIAccessibilityTraitUpdatesFrequently: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Used when activating an element starts a media session (e.g. playing a movie, recording audio)
 that should not be interrupted by output from an assistive technology, like VoiceOver.
@available(iOS 4.0, *)
public var UIAccessibilityTraitStartsMediaSession: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Used when an element can be "adjusted" (e.g. a slider). The element must also
 implement accessibilityIncrement and accessibilityDecrement.
@available(iOS 4.0, *)
public var UIAccessibilityTraitAdjustable: UIAccessibilityTraits

// Used when an element allows direct touch interaction for VoiceOver users (for example, a view representing a piano keyboard).
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction: UIAccessibilityTraits

 Informs VoiceOver that it should scroll to the next page when it finishes reading the contents of the
 element. VoiceOver will scroll by calling accessibilityScroll: with UIAccessibilityScrollDirectionNext and will
 stop scrolling when it detects the content has not changed.
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
public var UIAccessibilityTraitCausesPageTurn: UIAccessibilityTraits